Root canal treatment is suggested when the pulp or the nerve of the tooth gets infected.
The tooth is composed of protective hard covering (enamel, dentin, cementum) encasing a soft living tissue called the pulp.
The pulp contains nerves, fibers, and connective tissue. It extends from the crown of the tooth to the tip of the root, where it connects to the tissue surrounding it.
When this pulp gets infected, it causes an increase in blood flow and cellular activity, which builds up pressure inside the tooth and in turn results in pain. The pulp can even die without causing pain.
Various factors which can damage pulp are:
Tooth decay
Gum diseases
Injury to the tooth by accident/trauma
Symptoms of pulp infection are
Pain on taking cold or hot food
Pain while biting or chewing
Pain on lying down, night pain
Swelling of the gum near the affected tooth
Swollen cheek or jaw
Pus oozing out from the affected tooth
Tooth becoming darker in color
Sometimes however, there can be no symptoms-even though infection will remain prevalent in that tooth and can even spread to the surrounding areas if treatment is not done at the right time.
At Zen Dental and Health Care, Root Canal Treatment is done with utmost care and as a painless, single-sitting procedure. For more information, you can call us at 9108918009.